Wonderings, Realizations, Understatements, Poetry, Hunches
Do Progressives See the Irony in Their Beliefs?
In order to truly understand one's position, you must understand the underlying motivations.
Progressive positions are becoming more popular than ever thanks to a slight-of-hand twisting of words, emotions, and guilt.
I have basic questions I cannot get a progressive to answer. Oddly enough, the fact that they see the irony in the questions yet cannot answer them fails to spark any inward reflection. This leads me to believe that progressiveness is rooted in deep, self-aggrandizing motives.
We need to recognize these factors and call them out.
View ArticleI Wonder What Would Happen if Laws had an Expiration Date
I'm all for government having to live by the same rules as people and companies must follow. The government loves to regulate, but it doesn't have to regulate itself.
One form of regulation is through expiration dates. Government regulate companies to place expiration dates on its products. They require our driver's licenses to expire.
Expiration guidelines (hopefully) are designed to protect the public. So why can't laws have expiration dates to protect us?